
The CarbonLink Bridge

To create a trustless & user-owned economy of carbon offsets, we needed to create a channel from the off-chain world to the on-chain. Through our Bridge, offset suppliers can auto-integrate with registries to tokenize their offsets on-chain.

The outcome is a re-designed digital token that represents a carbon offset. All of its value will be retained in our marketplace and will catalyze seamless transactions on the blockchain. The properties of a token: transparency, security, fractionalization, and composability, present limitless opportunities for creating an accessible carbon market.

How it Works:

Once onboarded, carbon offsets aren’t required to be on chain forever. The bridge serves as a two-way system, allowing users to take their assets off of the blockchain. From there, CarbonLink deposits the carbon credits back into suppliers’ registry accounts. While the asset itself no longer resides on-chain, transaction history and offset information are permanently stored meaning double-counting is prevented when bridging back. De-tokenizing has no effect on the asset and gives credit owners freedom of choice.

Suppliers aren’t always willing to risk locking their entire supply in our platform. Considering offset batches serve as a supplier’s main revenue source, they may opt to:

  1. Try and sell faster elsewhere

  2. Try to sell for more elsewhere

Regardless of their incentive, CarbonLink provides that option. This way, these supply chains can continue operating while still generating revenue without tying up all their capital in one single location, a critical failure of the legacy carbon markets.

Last updated