The Solution

We need to be proactive by spending fewer resources correcting these consequences, and we must spend more resources on preventing them from occurring in the first place. To maximize the impact of our efforts, we need to address the root cause of the problem.

Root Cause: Society fails to factor in the environmental externalities caused by economic growth.

Solution: To establish a sustainable future, we need to emphasize more than just profit margins, and incentivize environmental accountability.

Money is what makes the world go round: It is our reward for work, innovation, and risk. It drove our society’s rapid technological progression. However, as a sole consideration, it can be harmful.

Creating Value

What if we incentivize environmental good? What if we leverage money’s influence in our society for the environment and establish an economic system with rewards for planetary good and consequences for planetary harm?

Money is humanity’s most efficient tool to coordinate resources. Accepting this fact and using it to drive climate-positive investment while dissuading climate-negative action is the way to a more sustainable society.

Our environment has value, just as economic growth does. Aligning incentives to reflect that sentiment is our only chance at a better future. Transitioning toward a regenerative economy will take time, but this is not ground-zero. Many promising solutions are already underway, the most prominent of which being carbon markets.

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