Why Carbon Markets?

We simply cannot stop all carbon-emitting activities, but we must reach net-zero emissions by 2050. Carbon markets represent an effective way to address this need without hindering economic development.

Example: Airlines

The modern airline industry produces massive amounts of emissions, but stopping all global air travel would halt the economy.

With carbon offsets, airlines can at least compensate for the negative impact they have on the environment while giving the supporting industries adequate time to develop cleaner technology and embed sustainability in their operations.

A Better Solution

As a whole, carbon markets offer a win-win solution for the environment and the economy. Large market valuations and recent industry investment have driven global demand and piqued interest. We're seeing companies adopt net-zero emission pledges and allocate investment into offset-producing projects to capture the financial rewards associated. After years of effort and global coordination, the blueprint for an eco-incentivized system is within our grasp.

However, participation is key. In order to leverage synergies between market forces and carbon offsets, we need to inspire a bias towards action. Simply, we need more people involved. Only the growth and adoption of carbon offsets can shape a planet-positive economy.

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